已经连续的几次Godaddy发布的优惠码,我们在使用信用卡付款过程中出现无法支付的问题。提示都一律为”Unfortunately, we are unable to process your purchase using this form of payment. Please utilize another form of payment, or contact
第二,yes,i confirm authorize.$3.13
第三,my last 4 digits payment is 1234
第四,yes,i have read and agree to Universal Terms of Service.
第五,my account 4 Digit Support PIN is 4321
接下来,我们会收到一封邮件,要求我们同意”Domain name registration agreement”。我们当然是回答YES,agree to the Domain name registration agreement。难不成我不同意。
标签:西部数码 GODADDY信用卡 无法支付 Godaddy优惠码